KZNSA Gallery

KZNSA Gallery presents ‘Izimo Ezisizungezile (The circumstances around us)

Izimo Ezisizungezile (The circumstances around us)


16/09/2020 –

Khulekani Cele
Muzi Ndlela
Eloff Pretorius

This exhibition brings together works by four artists within the theoretical framework of reciprocal determinism. Reciprocal determinism suggests that behaviour is partially a function of environment, and environment is partially a function of behaviour. The artist’s works address diverse aspects of South African life including spirituality, culture, access to drinking water, and environmental degradation.

Humans shape their physical, social and spiritual environments, and are shaped by those environments. We are the creators of culture and of religion. We are the polluters of the air we breath and the land we live on. We create, and depend on, the social settings that we live in.

This discussion prompts critical engagement with our power to change our circumstances by recognising the role we play in shaping them. The exhibition includes works created during the global pandemic during which an awareness of self and the impact of individual actions has been heightened.

Khulekani Cele